| |||
Troubleshooting Check |
| Kontrola, fie‰ení problému |
| ||||||||||||||
| |
Troubleshooting Check |
| Kontrola, fie‰ení problému |
| |||||||||||
✤ Before contacting a service centre, perform the | ✤ NeÏ kontaktujete servis, proveìte nûkolik jednoduch˘ch |
| |||||||||||||||
following simple checks. |
| kontrol. V mnoha pfiípadech tak u‰etfiíte drahocenn˘ ãas |
| ||||||||||||
They might save you the time and the expense of an |
| i zbyteãnû vynaloÏené náklady. |
| |||||||||||
unnecessary call. |
| ||||
| ||
Self Diagnosis Display |
| Diagnostické prvky na displeji: |
| |||||||||
Display | Blinking | Inform that... | Action |
| Displej | Frekvence | Informace o... | Akce |
| ||||||||
| blikání |
| slow | the battery pack is | Exchange it with a |
| pomalu | Akumulátor je témûfi | VymûÀte za nabit˘ |
| ||||
| almost discharged. | charged one. |
| vybit˘. | akumulátor. |
| |||
| fast | the battery pack is | Exchange it with a |
| rychle | Akumulátor je zcela | VymûÀte za akumulátor. |
| |||
| fully discharged. | charged battery. |
| vybit˘. |
| ||
TAPE END! | slow | the tape has almost | Prepare a new one. |
| TAPE | pomalu | Páska se blíÏí ke | Pfiipravte novou kazetu. |
| ||||||||
| reached its end. |
| END! |
| konci |
| |||||||
| |||||||
| no | the tape reached | Change to a |
| TAPE | nebliká | Páska je na konci | VymûÀte za novou |
| |||||||
| its end. | new one. |
| END! |
| kazetu. |
| |||||||
| ||||||||
TAPE! | slow | there is no tape in | Insert a tape. |
| TAPE! | pomalu | Není zaloÏena kazeta | VloÏte kazetu. |
| ||||||||
| the camcorder. |
| PRO- | pomalu | Kazeta je chránûna | Chcete |
| |||||||
| |||||||||
PRO- | slow | the tape is protected | Check the red tab, |
| proti natáãení. | odstraÀte zablokování. |
| ||||||||
| from recording. | on the tape. |
| D.EMG | pomalu | Mechanická závada | 1. Vyjmûte kazetu. |
| |||||||
| slow | the camcorder has | 1. Eject the tape. |
| C.EMG |
| ve videokamefie. | 2. Vypnûte kameru. |
| |||||||
| some mechanical | 2. Set to OFF. |
| R.EMG |
| 3. Vyjmûte akumulátor |
| ||||||
| fault. | 3. Detach the battery. |
| L.EMG |
| 4. VloÏte akumulátor |
| ||||||
| 4. Reattach the battery. |
| zpût. |
| |||
| * Please contact your |
| * Pokud problém trvá, |
| |
| local authorized |
| kontaktujte servis. |
| |
| service centre if the |
| pomalu | Vlhkost vnikla do | viz str.60. |
| ||
| problem continues. |
| videokamery. |
| |
| |||
| slow | moisture condensation | see page 60. |
| |
| ||||
| has formed in |
| |
| the camcorder. |