Troubleshooting Check | Kontrola, fie‰ení problému | |||||
| ||
Symptom | Explanation/Solution |
| Problém | Vysvûtlení/fie‰ení | ||
The playback picture is in ◆ The video heads might be dirty. |
| ·patná kvalita | ◆ Videohlavy jsou zneãi‰tûny. | |||
poor quality. | (see page 55) |
| pfiehrávaného obrazu. | (viz str. 55) | ||
You can do nothing with ◆ A mechanical fault may have |
| S kamerou nelze nic | ◆ Jde pravdûpodobnû o mechan- | |||
the camcorder. | occurred. (see page 57) |
| dûlat. | ickou poruchu. (viz str. 57) | ||
A vertical strip appears | ◆ The contrast between the subject |
| Pfii snímání jasného | ◆ Kontrast mezi subjektem a | ||
when you shoot a bright | and the background is too great |
| objektu na tmavém | pozadím je pfiíli‰ velk˘ pro | ||
subject against a dark | for the camcorder to operate |
| pozadí se objevuje v | normální funkci kamery. | ||
background. (candle | normally. Make the background |
| obraze svisl˘ prouÏek. | Ke sníÏení kontrastu pfiisvûtlete | ||
flame, for example) | bright to reduce the contrast or |
| pozadí nebo pouÏijte funkci BLC. | ||
| use the BLC function while you |
| (viz str.35) | |
| are shooting. (see page 35) |
| Obraz na displeji je | ◆ Hledáãek není nastaven. | ||
The image in the | ◆ The view finder lens has not been |
| ||||
| rozmazan˘. | Zaostfiete hledáãek. (viz str.25) | ||||
viewfinder is blurred. | adjusted. |
| |
| Pfii stisku | ◆ Pfiepnûte do reÏimu PLAYER. | ||||
| Turn the viewfinder focus ring until |
| |||
| the screen comes into sharp focus. |
| nebo Rewind se páska | ◆ Kazeta je na zaãátku nebo na | |
| (see page 25) |
| nepohybuje. | konci. | |
The tape does not move ◆ Set the POWER switch to PLAYER. |
| Datum/ãas nebo titulek | ◆ Lithiová baterie není nainstalová- | |||
when you press the play, ◆ You have reached the beginning |
| zmizely, aãkoli byly | na nebo je zcela vybita. | |||
Fast Forward or Rewind | or end of the cassette. |
| nastaveny. | (viz str.17) | ||
buttons. |
The Date Time or Title ◆ The lithium battery is not installed
disappeared even though or is fully used up. (see page 17) you had it set.