Butsomecommandsincludetwo nvariables,whichamshownas nl andn2. Thesenormally~pmsent bytesto be addedtogetherto produceonesum,in whichnl representssingleunits and n2 represents256-unitgroups.

Finally, a few commandscan have many n variables(such as tab stops), which am listed the same way. And one or two includea second kind of variable,whichaR shownin thischapteras singlelowercaseletters,suchas c or m.

5.1.2 Use real numbers,not ASC/1symbols

Animportantpoint:with FX-850commandsany numberyou put afterthe cESC> code is a real number, not the printableASCII symbol for that number as in LaserJet 11Pcommands.In FX-850 mode, for the number shownafteran<ESb codeyoumustenterwhatevercharacteroccupiesthat position in the ASCII table. We’ll always use decimal numbers in our descriptions.

For example,in FX-850emulationyou set the rightmargin to column55 with this command:

<ESC>Q 55

You would writethis commandin BASICas:

10 LPRINTCHR$(27); “Q”;CHR$(55)

That BASIC command sends the printer the symbol Q and whatever characterhappensto bein ASCIIposition55.YourStarLaserPrinter4’sFX- 850 progiaminterpretsthese,not as ASCII symbols,but only as the com- mand that means“makecolumn55 the rightmargin”.


YourStarLaserPrinter4, becauseit is a laserprinter,ignoresthe following FX-850 commands:

c paper end

cESC> 8 and <ESC>9

sheet feedercontrol



cESC> r

copy, selectand downloadcharacterset cESC>:<ESbYO<ES@ &




selectNLQ font



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Star Micronics 4 manual Use real numbers,not ASC/1symbols, Unsupportedcommands