way other than the TIFF formatwill producevery strangeresults!Repeat sendinglines of graphicsdata, prefixed by the above command,until the wholeimagehas been transmitted.

To signal the end of graphicdata transmission,send the followingcom- mand:

<ESC> * r B

There are no parameters.The LaserPrinter4 is now in text mode.

4.7.2 Rulesand patterns

Patternsand lines are ease to do.

Print shops call lines of any thickness rules. A printed line in fact is a rectangularareawithone“skinny”dimension,fromoneto manydotsthick. We will use the word “rules”too, to avoidconfusionwith the linesused to measurepages.

You followthesethree stepswhen you use rule and patterngraphics:

1)Definethe dimensionsyou need.

2)Choosethe graphicspattern you want to fill in those dimen- sions.

3)Print the pattern.

Rememberto sendthe followingrule or patterncommandsin that order.

4.7.3Definingrule orpattern dimensions

Definingthedimensionsoftheareayouwantto filljust meansindicatingthe horizontalandverticalsizeofthepattcm,or therule’slengthandthickness. You can indicatedimensionsin eitherdotsor decipoints(tenthsof a point).

At 300dotsor 720decipointsto the inch,decipointmeasurementsaremore accurate. The printer converts decipointvalues into dots, using 2.4 de- cipoints to the dot. It rounds up fractions to the next integer. So 1225 decipointswouldworkoutto510.4dots,andthepnnterroundsthisupto511 dots.

Yourdimensioncommandsspecifyan area to the right and down fromthe currentprintposition.If youdefinean arealargerthanthepage,yourprinter willacceptthe command.It will,however,cutoff yourpatternor ruleat the boundariesof the page’sprintablearea.


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Star Micronics 4 manual Rulesand patterns, Definingrule orpattern dimensions