5.4.3 Carriagereturn

Theprintermovesthe printpositionback to the left marginwhenyou send a carnagereturncontrolcode.Theprintpositionwill notmovedownto the nextline(unlessonthecontrolpanel’smenuyouhavesettheAutoLineFeed parameterON):


5.4.5 Line feed commands

Theline spacingcommandsdefinewhat a “line”means for the following commands.The defaultverticalspacingis six lines per inch.

Youuse this Line Feedcommandto movethe printposition,not to the left margin,butjust down the page one line:


Variableljnefeedcommandsmovetheprintpositionbackto theleftmargin andeitherdownorupthe page,bysomeincrementof 1/216inch.Ifthemove putstheprintpositionbelowthebottommarginanew pagestarts.Youmove the print positiondownthe page with this command:

<ESC> J n

and up the page with this command:

<ESC> j n

Inbothcases,then isthenumberof 1/216inchincrementsyouwantto move (maximum255).

5.4.6Form feed

TheStar LaserPrinter4 only prints a page when it receivesa Form Feed controlcode.If the last text in a documentdoesn’tfill up a pageit may not print immediately.

Soto makesureonedocumentdoesn’trunrightintothenext,it’sagoodidea to makesure each documentendswith a finalFormFeed. In the rare event youhavesetpagelengthsotwopageswillprintononesheet,thesheetwon’t print untilboth pages are composedin memory.

Thefollowingcommandmovestheprintpositionto thetopofthenextpage:


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Star Micronics 4 manual Carriagereturn, Line feed commands