Star Micronics 4 manual Esco

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For example,say you have set the pagelengthto 84 lines (legalsize paper at 6 linesper inch),with the top-of-page8 linesdown. You then send:


Thiswillgiveyou81inesoftopmargin(impliedbyyourtop-of-pagesetting) and 8 linesof bottommargin.Theprinterknowsyou want84-16=68 lines Qftext, so it printsthose,skips8 linesat thebottomof the firstpage,plus 8 mo~ lines at the top of the nextpageto makeup the totalperforationskip of 16lines.

topolpage-8 hles

text66- lines



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If youchangelinespacingaftergivingthiscommand,youwon’taffectthese marginsettings.However,if youchangepagelengthyouwillhaveto setthe perforationskip again.

To set Skip-Over-Perforationto zero lines, send this command(the letter afterthe 43SC> code is the capitalletter“o”):



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Image 103
Star Micronics 4 manual Esco