5.5.7 Characterspacing

FX-850 emulation lets you control the amount of space inserted after charactm, sometimescalled the oflset. You might want, for example,to justify a line of print yourself.

With the CharacterSpacingcommandyou can add to the distanceeach characteradvances,in incrementsof l/120th inch.The commanddoesnot affectthe selectedpitch.

To adjustthe characterspacing,send this command:

<ESC><S- n

<S~ is the ASCII Spacecharacter.For n you enter a figwe that sets the numberof l/120-inchincrementsby whichspacingis to increase.

Your printer cancelsthis commandwhen it receivesanotheroffset com- mand.

5.5.8 Pitch

Youcanpnnt at 10,12,17 or20 charactemper inchwithyourlaserprinter’s internalfonts.TheFX-850emulationdefaultis 10-pitch.If youwanta wider pitchyou can putthe printerofflinefor a secondandselecteither6.5 or 8.1 charactersper inch on the controlpanel.

To select 12-pitch(oftencalled“elite”),you send this command:


After you give this commandneithercondensednor extendedprint com- mandswill have any effect.

To turnoff 12-pitchand returnto youroriginalcharacterspacing,sendthis command:


5.5.9 Condensedprint

Condensedprint (often c~ed “compassed”) is narrower than it is high, whichmakesit goodfor spreadsheets.Withoutchangingto anew font,you can switchfrom 10-pitchto a condensedpitch of 17charactemper inch.


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Star Micronics 4 manual Characterspacing, Pitch, Condensedprint