5.5.7 Characterspacing
With the CharacterSpacingcommandyou can add to the distanceeach characteradvances,in incrementsof l/120th inch.The commanddoesnot affectthe selectedpitch.
To adjustthe characterspacing,send this command:
<ESC><S- n
<S~ is the ASCII Spacecharacter.For n you enter a figwe that sets the numberof
Your printer cancelsthis commandwhen it receivesanotheroffset com- mand.
5.5.8 Pitch
Youcanpnnt at 10,12,17 or20 charactemper inchwithyourlaserprinter’s
To select
After you give this commandneithercondensednor extendedprint com- mandswill have any effect.
To turnoff
5.5.9 Condensedprint
Condensedprint (often c~ed “compassed”) is narrower than it is high, whichmakesit goodfor spreadsheets.Withoutchangingto anew font,you can switchfrom