Whenyou start a new emulationyou alwaysstart a new page.

Note:alwayssendCarriageReturnandFormFeed(controlcodes<CR>and -@F>)just befo~ you givethis ChangeEmulationcommand. Theseforce the printerto print anypartialpagein its memoryand starta new pagewith the new emulation.If you forgetto issue these controlcodes first the Star LaserPrinter4willdothemforyou-but yourChangeEmulationcommand willjust reset the printer’sparametersto their initialdefaults,and not give you the emulationyou ask for.

You issue the Change Emulation command with the followingEscape sequence:

<ESC> [ E n

For the value of n you enter a numberfrom this table:


2 EpsonFX-850

2.5.4The Select Orientationcommand

The SelectOrientationsupersetcommandlets you changethe “attitude”in whichthe Star LaserPrinter4 prints.

To changefmm oneorientationto theotheryousendthisSelectOrientation Escape sequence:

<ESC> [ O n

For thevalue n you put O(zero) for portraitorientation,

or 1 (one)for landscapeorientation.

When you send this command to print in landscapemode, the printer automaticallyrotatesits currentfont so that it printsas landscape.

The spot or line where printingstarts on the page is sometimescalled the origin or fop offonn. The originchangeswhen you switchorientations. That startingprintpositionis in theupperleft comerfor a pcmraitpage,but in the lowerleft comer for a landscapepage.

Youprobablywon’twantto changeorientationallthatoften.Everytimeyou do,theStarLaserPrinter4alsoresetsthepagemarginsto itslimits,andalso how it defineslines and columns.So wheneveryou give the SelectOrien-


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Star Micronics 4 manual Select Orientationcommand