Whenthe printer finishesits print “map”of your rule or pattern,the print position automaticallyreturns to the spot from which you started. That means,for instance,that you can make a lightlyshadedrectangleand then startprintingtext rightoverit. Thiskindof box canbe usefulfor settingoff particularinformationfrom the main body of yourtext.

Horizontally,you can specifythe rule length or horizontalpattern size in dots with this command:

<ESC>*c n A

in which for n you enter how many dots acrossthe page you want the rule or patternto be.

Alternatively,to specifythe horizontaldimensionfor a rule or pattern in decipoints,you can print this command:

<ESC> *C n H

in which n is the horizontalrule or patternsize in decipoints.

Vertically,you can indicatethe sizeof yourruleor patternin dotswith this command:

<ESC> *c n B

in whichnisthenumberofdotsdefiningthethicknessoftheruleorthedepth of the pattern.

Alternatively,to show the verticaldimensionin decipoints,you send this command:

<ESC> *c n V

in whichn is thenumberof decipointsin therule’sthicknessor thepattern’s verticallength.

4.7.4 Choosingand printinga rule or pattern

Youneedbothof the nexttwo commandsto chooseandprintthe particular patternyou wantto fill yourdefinedarea.Thesecommandsworktogether.

WiththePrintPatterncommand(whichactuallycomessecond)youspecify whetheryouwantto fillyourrectangularareawithasolidblackrule,a finely dotted gray-scale pattern, or a predefine linear pattern. And with the SpecifyPatterncommandyoucanindicatewhichparticulardottedor linear


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Star Micronics 4 manual Choosingand printinga rule or pattern