For the Feedervalueof this PAPERFEEDparameter,you first entereither
Thedefaultpapersizeis A4, youcanspecifyothersizesgivenbelowtoo. A
8.5by 11 inch
8.5by 14 inch
B5 international(used in every country except North America)
(182 by 257 mm)
the narrower“executive”size (7.25 by 10.5 inches)
One other nice thing you can do is print directly on envelopes.With this Paper Sizeparameteryou can specifyenvelopesin sizes,Monarch,COM- 10,International C5 and DL. Thenjust workout whereto put the address, settheorientationto landscape(seebelow),andslideyourenvelopeintothe
In anyemulationmodeyoucansendyourprintercommandsto changepaper sizeor feedinpapermanually;youcanalsoselectthoseparametersfromthe panel.Either way, a messagein the printerdisplaytells the operatorwhat paper size to use.
2.3.2 Hints:Paper, labels and transparencies
. The best paperfor the StarLaserPrinter 4 has a smoothfinish and is of 60to 105g/m2weight.Anypaperdesignedforphotocopiersshoulddothe trickthough;Xemx4024andCanonNP printnicely. Highqualitycotton bondpaper,whichcontainsupto25percentcottonfibres,workspassably well with even heavierweights.
. Be awarethat any puckeredor wovenfinishmay not print as sharplyas you’dlike. Avoidshinycoatedpaperor multipartforms.Anddon’teven think aboutputtingin stapledor rippedpages.