If you are using a commercialgraphicsprogram,such as Lotus
5.6.1 Printingdots
That soundseasy,but it can be a lot of work.It meansspecifyingan eight- bit binary number60 to 240 times per inch, right ac~ossthe page. That’s maybe 2000 calculationsfor every line! As you can imagine, graphics softwareuses plentyof programloops.
The figurebelowshowsthevalueof each dot on the left. The exampleson the rightshowhow youwouldaddup dots,to tell yourprinterwhatdotsto print for a coupleof columns:
128 ● | 128 ● | 0 |
840 | o | 640 |
32 ● | 32 ● | 0 |
16 . |
| 0 |
80 | : | 80 |
40 | 40 | 0 |
20 | 0 | 20 |
10 | 10 | 0 |
| 165 | 74 |
5.6.2 Whatdo graphicscommandslook like?
To print
●Whatline spacingdo you wantto use?
●Howmanydotsdoyouwantperhonzontal inch?Thatis, whatdensity do YOUWtU’lt?
●Howwideisthepage areaonwhichyouwantto ’’paint”yourgraphics?
●Whatdot patternwill yourdata have?