tationcommandyoumaywantto followit withEscapesequencesto change thesideandtopmarginsandpaperlengthsettings.(Alternatively,youcould put the printerofflineand reset these fmm the controlpanel, as described underLAYOUTearlier.)
2.5.5 ThePaper Size command
The Paper Size supersetcommandlets you changethe papersizein which the Star LaserPrinter4 prints.
This is the commandthat defines what size the Star LaserPrinter4 will accept. You issue the Paper Size command with the following Escape sequence:
<ESC> [ S n
For the value of n you enter a numberfrom this table:
1Letter sizepaper
2 Legal sizepaper
3 A4 Internationalsize paper
4 Executivesize paper
5 B5 Internationalsizepaper
11Monarchsize envelope
13InternationalDL size envelope
14InternationalC5 size envelope
This command controls the size that the printer should use when next feeding from the selectedpaper feeder. If the printer does not have the requestedsize, the controlpanel will displaya messageinstructingyou to insertthe requestedpaper/envelope.If the operatoroverridesthat request, the requestedsize is ignoredand the currentsize is used.
2.5.6 ThePaperFeeder command
The PaperFeedersupersetcommandlets youchangethe paperfeederfrom whichthe printerfeedspaper.
To changethe paper feederyou send the PaperFeederEscapesequence:
<ESC>[ C n