2.3.3 TheLAYOUTparameter

The layoutor@mat or setup of a page refersto how text is positionedon the page. Layout includespage orientation,margins and the spacing of charactersacrossand lines down the page. You can controlthese with the LAYOUTparameter.

You probably won’t use the LAYOUT parameter on the front panel’s piograrnmenu very much though.Mostof the time you’lleitherleavethe Star LaserPrinter4 with its defaultsettings,or look after page formatting with commandsyou send fmm your computer.

Page orientation

A page’sorientationtellsyouin whichdirectionthe printgoeson the page. Whenyouuseportraitorientationthelinesareprintedastheyarein anormal businessletter,acrossthe widthof thepage.A portraitpaintingof a person is usuallyvertical-hence the name.



Whenyou use landscapeorientationthe wordsare printed“on theirsides,” verticallyup the lengthof thepage.Textwrittenwithlandscapeorientation onlylookscorrectwhenyouturnthepagesoitslengthrunsside-to-side,just like the paintingof a landscape.

Envelopesmust be printed with landscapeorientation.You also will use landscaperegularlyto print chafisor banners,and spreadsheetsor reports with so many columnsthey wouldn’totherwisefit on the page.

AUinternalfonts,andalmostallcartridgeanddownloadedfonts,arestored in the Star LaserPrinter4 with portraitorientation.


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Star Micronics 4 manual TheLAYOUTparameter, Orientation