
The small-carriageFX-850 is one of Epson’s more recent dot-matrix printers.Becauseof the popularityof the IBM PersonalComputer,which was marketedwith a modifiedEpson printer,thousandsof softwarepro- grams alreadywork with Epsonprintercommands.

If youhaveaprogramthatdoesn’tworkwithlaserprintercommands,you’ll ahnostcertainlyfindit willworkwiththecommandsintheStarLaserPrinter 4’s FX-850emulationmode.YourStarLaserPrinter4willprintany docu- ments you createwith standardEpsoncommands.

We followthe samesequencein this chapteras we did in earlierchaptem: first someprintermanagementandpagesetupcommands,thenwe’llcover commandsthatmovetheprintposition,andfinallywe’llprintourdocument with our choiceof font attributes.


5.1.2Whatdo FX-850commandslook like?

Most commandsin the FX-850emulationlook like this:

<ESC>C or <ESC>C n

in whichC is the codefor the particularcommandyou wantto send.If the commandincludesthe n sign it indicatesa numericvariablethe command needs.For example,the FX-850commandto set the rightmarginis this:

<ESC>Q n

in which n is the columnnumberfor the rightmargin. So to put the right margin at column65 you wouldsend this command:

<ESC>Q 65

MostFX-850commandsworkliketoggleswitches:one <ESb codeturns on a featwe and anothercESC> codeturns it off.


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Star Micronics 4 manual Commands, Whatdo FX-850commandslook like?