Star Micronics 4 manual Subscriptsand superscripts, How to cancela line or deletea character

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An example:Proportionalboldextendedlooksgoodas a title.To getit you addup then valuesforthosethree(2 + 8 + 32= 42),andsendthecommand:

<ESC> ! 42

5.5.17 Subscriptsand superscripts

Subscriptmodeprintscharactersat half of the normalheightiin the lower partoftieline space.Superscriptmodeprintscharactersathalfofthenormal height,but in the upperpart of the line space.Youmay wantsubscriptsand superscriptsfor foomote numbers or mathematicalformulas. The o~y restrictionis that you can’t use subscriptsand superscriptswith double- stnke mode.

You switchto subscriptor superscriptmode with this command:

<ESC>S n

in whichif you make n any even numberyou get superscriptmode, and if you make i any odd numberyou get subscriptmode.

You cancelsubscriptor superscriptmode with this command:


5.5.18 How to cancela line or deletea character

Whenyou’reprintingyousometimessenda line,butthenchangeyourmind and don’twant to print it after all. l%e Cancelcontrolcode lets you erase fromyourprinter’smemoryjust the last line you sent. (If you cancela line you will also cancelthe extendedprint modeif you’vebeen using it.)

By sendingthis commandyou make yourprintercancelall the characten you have sent sincethe last carriagereturnor line feed:


Sometimesyou wantto deletefromthe printer’smemory,beforethe page getsprinted,just thelast characteryouhave sent.Don’tconfusedeletinga characterwith backspacing,which doesn’terase anythingfmm memory. This controlcodedeletesonly the last charactersent:



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Star Micronics 4 manual Subscriptsand superscripts, How to cancela line or deletea character