Font attributes:a preview

Orientation(portraitor landscapeas describedearlier)is usuallythoughtof as one attributeof a font; it’s not really a page formattingissue. Besides orientation,the fonts with whichyou print have these attributes:

Symbolset is sometimescalled“characterset”- whichcan be confusing, sincesomepeoplesay “characterset”whenthey mean a font. Symbolsets are subgroupsof a font’s symbolsthat are most appropriatefor particular countries,such as the UK (f), France(h),Latin America(fl)or Japan @).

Spacingandpitch are linked.Characterscan be spacedon the linepropor- tionally,so a narrowletter such as i takesless room than a wideletterlike

W.Orcharactm canbe spacedallthe samewidth:twelvecharactersto the inch is the monospacedspacingcalled 12pitch.

Pointsize defineshowbigcharacterswillprint, suchas IOor 12pointshigh.

Sryledefineswhethercharactersprint in uprightor italicstyle.

Strokeweightdefineshow bold a typefaceprints.

Finally, typt$aceitself means the artisticdesign of a font. Your printer’s internaltypefacesinclude,LinePrinterand Courier. With the Star Laser- Printer 4 you can also use Helvet, Gothic, Script, Caslon, Orator and hundredsmom typefaces,whichyouload intothe printerfrom cartridgeor computerdisk.

Whenyou enablefont setupparameterson the controlpanel,it meansyou startoff with particularfontattributesas defaultswhenyou first choosean emulatioq.WiththeFX-850emulationyoucanenableproportionalspacing andboldprintas setupparameters.FX-850modealsoletsyou startup with half of your symbolset as graphicscharactersinsteadof italics.


2.5.1Do you need to send commands?

Here’s an important fact: you can set nearly every one of the above parametemby sending your printer a correspondingEscape sequence command.ThoseEscapesequencecommandswilloverrideanysettingyou makefrom the controlpanel.

The mainthingto realizeaboutmostprintercommands,though,is that you probablydon’t need to use them. Nearly all popular softwarepackages


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Star Micronics 4 manual Do you need to send commands?, Font attributesa preview