to describe and map your character. Sixteen bytes are needed for the description;the bit-map takes as many bytes as you’ve put into each charactercell—perhapstwo or tie hundredbytes.

As withthe fontheader,eachbytein the characterdescriptionis a number, sent as the symbol at that positionin the ASCII table. Codingcharacter descriptionsis tricky too, so again we recommend you ask your Star Micronicsdealer for help. The table below shows what the bytes in the characterdescriptionmean:



1 blank

2always 14

3always 1



6-7 left offset (blankspaceto left of character)

8-9 top offset (blankspaceabovecharacter)

10-11 characterwidth

12-13 characterheight

14-15 print positiontravel (proportionalspacingonly)

Thebitmapofthecharacterisjustthe pattemofdotsinthecharacter,starting at thetopleft of its cell.You workyourway acrossthe cellanddownto the bottomright,givingeachdot a valueof Oif it’s not to be printedand 1 if it is. Then you groupthosedots as 8-bitbytes.

5) Permhent or temporary?

The last step in downloadingyourown font is to makethe font permanent or temporary, using the Font Control command described earlier. The command<ESb *C4 F will allowthe fontto be erasedwhenyou resetthe printer.Butthe command<ESC>*C5 F willkeepyourfont availableeven after you Rset the printer.


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Star Micronics 4 manual Byte Meaning