patternyouwant.Youalwayssendthe SpecifyPatterncommandbefo~ the PrintPatterncommand,even if you want a solidblack rule.

To indicatethe particularpatternyou want, send the followingcommand. The general meaning of the n value you enter actuallydepends on the commandyou put afterthis:

<ESC> *C n G

If youwant a solidblackruleit doesn’tmatterwhatyouput in for n, as the printerignoresit.

Ifyouwanta l-scaledottedpattern,fern youenterhereapementagenumber from1to 100indicatingthedensitywithwhichyouwanttheboxfilled,from lightto solid.Your n percentagewill correspondto one of the eight gray- scaledensitiesin the chartbelow.


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Star Micronics 4 manual