Star Micronics 4 manual Extendedprint, 11Font height

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To shift into condensedprint, send eitherof thesecommands:

<S1> or <ESC><S1>

Condensedprintwill stayon untilyou selecta differentprintmodeor send the followingCancelCondensedprint controlcode,whichreturnsprinting to the 10-pitchdefault:


5.5.10 Extendedprint

Extendedprint is wider than it is high; FX-850 owners sometimescall it “double-width”print. Extendedprint looks good in headings. Selecting extendedprintmeansselectinga fontwithwidercharacters.Youcan select extendedprint eitherfor one line or for several.

Whenyou shiftout to extendedprintfor oneline,a carriagereturnor a line feedwillend thismode.To shiftoutto extendedprintfor oneline yousend one of these commands:

<so> or <ESC><SO>

To turn on and off extendedprint across more than one line, send this command:

<ESC>W n

If for n you enter an odd numberyou will start extendedprint; if for n you enter an even numberyou will stop it and returnto normalspacing.

Youcanalsoturnoffextendedprintwiththe<DC4>controlcode.However, neitherof the last mentionedwaysof turningit off will work if you have turnedon extendedprintwiththeMasterSelectcommanddescribedbelow.

5.5.11Font height

You can print doublethe heightof characters.

To turn on and off double-heightprint, sendthis command:

<ESC>W n

If for n you enter an odd numberyou will startdouble-heightprint;if for n you enter an evennumberyou will stop it and returnto normalheight.


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Star Micronics 4 manual Extendedprint, 11Font height