User’s Manual
when the program is opened. You may use the database or download the data from an Install Profiler that has already been programmed with the desired settings.
Selecting the Print icon from the main menu will print the current configuration screen in a database format using the current default printer (per Windows setup).
The Install Profiler provides an Upstream Spectrum feature with an exclusive measurement technique.
The feature has a spectral view of the return spectrum from 5 to 50 MHz (65 MHz on International Annex A models) with the ability to view the ”bursty” TDMA upstream cable modem signals. A unique measurement mode allows the user to measure the TDMA signal level, any ingress or CPD (C/I), and the C/N ratio. Similarly, the ingress mode can be used to measure ingress on a drop.
Three markers are provided in the Upstream Spectrum option. The initial setting of the three markers is programmed via the