PC-IP Software
User’s Manual
properly configured in the Cable Modem Setup screen to provide accurate results. See Appendix A for details on setting up an FTP server for these tests.
Level - This is the amplitude level of the upstream signal set by the ranging process with CMTS in dBmV.
Block Error Rate (BkER) - The BkER is the upstream bit error rate measurement. BkER is the ratio of errors that occur in the upstream transmission path compared to the total amount of data sent. 1.0
Test Information
The test information section contains data about the Cable Modem connection and Registration process.
Ranging Frequency - The center frequency of the downstream DOCSIS QAM signal.
File - The file name of the configuration file sent to the cable modem.
IP Address - The IP address assigned to the integrated cable modem in the DHCP process.
Emulator IP Address - The second routable IP address assigned to the Install Profiler that demonstrates an acceptable IP connection was established.
Gateway IP Address - The gateway established during the registration process, typically the IP address of the CMTS.
MAC Address - The MAC address of the internal cable modem.
QAM Search - Pass/Fail – Indicating whether the cable modem was able to lock on the downstream signal.
Ranging Level - Pass / Fail – Indicating whether the internal cable modem was able to complete the ranging process.
Ranging DHCP - Pass / Fail – Indicating whether the internal cable modem was able to get an IP address from the DHCP server.
Ranging TOD - Pass / Fail – Indicating whether the internal cable modem was able to get the time and date from the TOD server.