PC-IP Software
User’s Manual
Noise Margin - Displays the difference between the measured noise level and the programmed Limit. This is not a live measurement based on the current marker settings, but is based on the measurements at the time the test results were saved.
Ingress Margin - Displays the difference between the measured ingress level and the programmed Limit. This is not a live measurement based on the current marker settings, but is based on the measurements at the time the test results were saved.
The display may be shifted from the Ingress to Upstream Spectrum view by clicking on the appropriate button. Both sets of data are stored.
Data uploaded to an FTP server may be imported into you PC using
Moving Files
Transfer files from the FTP server to any other location using standard Windows file management or FTP software. An FTP site may be mapped as drives when using Windows Explorer. Whether copying the files directly from the FTP site or from any other file directory, the user must use the Results/Import Results feature.