Chapter 6
Upgrade Procedures
Chapter 6 Upgrade Procedures
Downloading Replacement Software
The latest upgrades are always available at the Sunrise Telecom Web page located at www.sunrisetelecom.com/broadband.
When upgrading, it is best to be sure that you have a CM500 IP available and that you have sent your entire database to it using the Clone Copy command or the Send commands from each of the configuration Setup screens. This will ensure that your database information is saved and available in the future.
Select the Downloads item from the Web page. Information is available on this page, which explains the changes that you will expect to find in the upgraded firmware and software. Typically, both the latest
Installing the PC-IP Upgrade
Using Windows Explorer, open the file named: “PCIPSetup#.##.exe”. This will
If there are compatibility issues between the old database(s) and the new program a message appears when the program opens. If the old database cannot be opened, you can download your