User’s Manual
to Valley), Maximum Adjacent Channel Deviation plus Digital Tilt, Digital P/V (Peak to Valley), and the A/D (Analog to Digital Level) ratio. Measurements and calculations are based on the lowest and highest frequency channel for the analog and digital carriers in the Channel Table. Alternatively, the user may select to use the markers to select the highest and lowest channels for the analysis by checking the Use box next to the Markers button. Clicking the Analyze button will turn markers and resulting measurements On and Off.
Use – Checking the Use box will switch the Analyze data from measurements and calculations based on the lowest and highest channel in the Channel Table to measurements based on the current marker positions.
Analyze - Click the Analyze button to turn the markers and the resulting measurements On or Off. The following measurements are provided.
Analog Tilt - The difference in level of the lowest and highest frequency analog channel or marker placement if the Use markers box is checked.
Analog P/V - The
Max Adj. CH - The maximum ratio of any displayed analog channel to its adjacent channel’s level.
Digital Tilt - The difference in level of the lowest and highest frequency digital channel or marker placement if the Use markers box is checked.
Digital P/V - The
A/D Ratio - The Analog to Digital Ratio is the difference between the projected analog level and the calculated average power level of the digital carriers at the mean frequency of the digital carriers.
Detail - The Detail key provides the user with a tabular report of the data collected in the Scan (Figure