7.5.6 FEED-OUT
After the copies have been stapled, the stack feed-out motor [A] starts. The pawl
[B]on the stack feed-out belt [C] transports the set of stapled copies up and feeds it to the shift tray exit roller [D]. When stapling starts, the exit guide motor [E] opens the upper exit guide [F], which includes the upper shift tray exit roller [G], in order to feed out the leading edge of the copy set smoothly. The exit guide motor turns on again a certain time after stapling is complete, and the upper exit guide plate is lowered. Then the shift tray exit roller takes over the stack feed-out.
The on-off timing of the exit guide motor is detected by the exit guide open sensor [H].
The stack-feed-out motor turns off when the pawl actuates the stack feed-out belt home position sensor [I].