Release 2.1
Table B.14Auto Sequence Commands
Function | SCPI Command | Description | Query |
Delete selected sequence | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:DELete[:SELected] | The selected sequence is deleted | N/A |
Delete all sequences | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:DELete:ALL | All sequences are deleted | N/A |
Select a sequence to run | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:NAME | Select sequence to run or edit | Yes |
or edit | <sequence_number> |
Change Auto Sequence | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:STATe | Change operating state of current auto | Yes |
operating state | {RUNPAUSeSTOP} | sequence |
Skip to the next step | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:STEP:NEXT | Skip to start of next step. Error if STATe is | N/A |
(while running in auto |
| not RUN |
sequence) |
Read selected sequence | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:COUNt? | Read number of programmed steps in | Yes |
number of steps |
| selected sequence |
Delete selected sequence | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:STEP<step_number>:DE | Delete the selected sequence step | N/A |
step | Lete |
Query executed repititions | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:EXECuting? | Query the number of repititions that have | N/A |
| been completed. |
Exit a selected sequence | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:EXIT | Exit a selected sequence | N/A |
Read current step number | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:STEP:EXECuting? | Query current step in execution | N/A |
Edit selected sequence | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:STEP<step_number>[:E | Edit the selected sequence step | Yes |
step | DIT] |
| [[[[<voltage>],<current>],<OVP_level>],{<time>TRIG}] |
Insert step into selected | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:STEP<step_number>:IN | Insert a step into the selected sequence | N/A |
sequence | Sert |
| [[[[<voltage>],<current>],<OVP_level>],{<step_timeTR |
| IG}] |
Program selected | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:STEP<step_number>:CU | Edit/program step current of selected | Yes |
sequence step current | RRent <current> | sequence |
Program selected | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:STEP<step_number>:VO | Edit/program step voltage of selected | Yes |
sequence step voltage | LTage <voltage> | sequence |
Program selected step | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:STEP | Edit/program step OVP level of selected | Yes |
OVP | <step_number>:OVP <OVP_level> | sequence |
Program selected | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:STEP<step_number>:DW | Edit/program step time or triggering of | Yes |
sequence step time | ELl {<step_time>TRIG} | selected sequence |
Program selected | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:TRIGger:SOURce | Edit/program trigger source of selected | Yes |
sequence trigger source | {BUSMANualEXTernalIMMediate} | sequence |
Program selected | [:]PROGram[<channel>][:SELected]:REPeat | Edit/program end action of selected | Yes |
sequence end action | {<sequence_count>ONCEFOReverINFinity} | sequence |
Read specific sequence | [:]PROGram[<channel>]:SEQuence<sequence_number>:STEP: | Read number of programmed steps in | Yes |
number of steps | COUNt? | specific sequence |
Delete a specific | [:]PROGram[<channel>]:SEQuence<sequence_number>: | The specific sequence is deleted | N/A |
sequence | DELete |
SCPI Command Reference
SCPI Command Summary