108 | Table B.7Commands for Fold Protection |
| ||
Function | SCPI Command | Description | Query | ||
| |||||
| |
| Set Output Fold Delay | [:]OUTPut[<channel>]:PROTection:FOLD:DELay <delay> | Set the delay time (seconds) before fold | Yes | |
| protection is triggered. |
| |
| Set Output Fold Mode | [:]OUTPut[<channel>]:PROTection:FOLD[:MODE] | Select which regulation mode to fold back | Yes | |
| {NONECCCV} | (None,CV, CC, CP) |
| |
| |
| Query Fold Protection | [:]OUTPut[<channel>]:PROTection:FOLD:TRIPped? | Query if fold protection has tripped | N/A | |
| Tripped |
| |
| Table B.8Commands for Triggering |
| ||
| |
| Function | SCPI Command | Description | Query | |
| |
| Set Immediate Initiation of | [:]INITiate[<channel>][:IMMediate] | Initiate a triggered event or sequence | N/A | |
| Trigger System |
| |
| Set Trigger Source | [:]TRIGger[<channel>][:SEQuence]:SOURce | Sets the trigger source for triggered | Yes | |
| {BUSEXTernalIMMediateNONE} | setpoints |
| |
| |
| Table B.9System Commands |
| ||
| |
| Function | SCPI Command | Description | Query | |
| Query System Error | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:ERRor[:NEXT]? | Returns the next error in the instrument’s | N/A | |
| error queue |
| |
| Recall Default Factory | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:RECall:DEFault | Restore the factory preset values | N/A | |
Operating | Preset |
| |
Select Remote Control | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:REMote:SOURce {GPIBMCHannel} | Change the remote control source | Yes | ||
| Source |
| |
| Set Multichannel Address | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:COMMunicate:MCHannel:ADDRess | Select the multichannel unit address | Yes | |
Manual |
| <channel> |
| |
| ||
Set GPIB Address | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:ADDRess | Configure GPIB address | Yes | ||
| <GPIB_address> |
| |
for |
| |
Set GPIB Power On | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:PONSrq | Configure GPIB PON SRQ | Yes | ||
Multichannel | Service Request | {ONOFF01} |
| |
| ||
Set Remote Control | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:REMote:STATe | Yes | |||
| Operation (Serial | {LOCalREMoteRWLock} |
| |
| Interface) |
| |
Query SCPI Version | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:VERSion? | Returns the SCPI version to which the | N/A | ||
| instrument complies. Format is YYYY.V |
| ||
SCPI Command Reference
SCPI Command Summary