Power Supply Operation
Release 2.1 49
The functionality of the hardware protection circuits (OVP, OTP, ACFail) remains
the same in local mode.
Power On
Remote State
(XFR/XHR and XPD only) You may set whether the power supply powers on in
remote or local mode
SYST:REM:PON:STAT <on-off-state>
When the output is disabled, the S/D LED on the front panel will be lit and a bit in
the shutdown register will be set.
To enable or disable the output:
OUTP[<channel>] {ON|OFF|0|1}
Setting the output state to "ON" will attempt to clear all shutdown bits (except the
interlock). Previously, it only cleared a shutdown caused by a command (i.e. "OUTP
To query the state of the output enable:
The output state query returns "0" if the output is disabled for any reason (e.g.
protection tripped or command shutdown) and "1" only if the output is enabled.
Set Voltage
and Current
SOUR:VOLT <voltage>
SOUR:CURR <current>
To check your settings:
When returning to remote mode, the remote protection setpoints may trip even
though the remote setpoints would not normally cause the unit to shutdown. This
is because the output transient in settling to the remote settings from the local
settings may cause a trip condition. Once cleared, the unit will operate normally.
Note: There will be no status reporting of OVP, interlock, sense, OT or AC protections
while the unit is in local mode since software protections cannot be cleared at the front