Defining the printer to the host: TCP/IP attachment
Configuring in JES2
3. Configure the PSF printer in JES2 or JES3
This section discusses the procedures for configuring the printer in JES2 or JES3 environments.
To configure the PSF printer in JES2, follow these steps:
1.Locate the JES2 initialization dataset in the JES2 Startup JCL Procedure (JES2 PROC). (This is normally kept in SYS1.PROCLIB, although your system may use a different library.)
The JES2 PROC has a DD statement (normally HASPPARM), which points to the initialization dataset. (The location of this statement is SYS1.PARMLIB(JES2PARM); however, you should always verify the location on your own system.)
2.Enter the following required commands in the JES2 initialization dataset to define the PSF functional subsystem (FSS):
•One FSS statement for each PSF functional subsystem
•One PRTnnnn statement for each functional subsystem application (FSA) under control of the FSS. (This can also be specified as PRINTnn or PRINTERn.)
The following table lists the JES2 FSS statement parameters to be defined.
Table F-1. JES2 FSS statement parameters
| Range of |
Item |
| Source of | acceptable |
| Your |
description | Default | value | values | Comments | value |
FSS parameters |
| |
PROC | None | PSF Startup | 1 to | Specifies name of |
| procedure | alphanumeric | procedure for starting |
| name/ | string | this FSS. Different |
| FSS statements can |
| refer to the same |
| startup procedure |
AUTOSTOP | NO | Installation | YES or NO | Specifies whether FSS |
| preferences |
| address space is |
| stopped automatically |
| if all FSAs under |
| control of the FSS are |
| stopped. |
Installation Planning Guide |