2.In computers, a path for communication between the central processing unit (CPU) and input/output units, or between the CPU and peripheral devices.
character Single printable letter
character cell Digitized space containing a single character within a font set.
character code Code representing alphanumeric information, for example,
character set Number of different characters used by a particular device, including alphabetic, numeric, and special characters such as symbols.
characters per Designates the number of characters per inch for a particular inch (cpi) typeface. Refer to pitch.
client software Software that manages the submission of print jobs to the Printer Controller.
client workstation Workstation connected to the network used to create print jobs (documents) and submit them to the Printer Controller.
CMYK An industry standard color definition model in which all colors are defined in terms of values for the
collate To arrange or assemble into ordered sets.
color definition A standardized format for defining colors using quantifiable model values. The most popular such models are RGB, CMYK, and
color substitution The use of an algorithm to translate a color specified in an industry standard color definition model (e.g., RGB, CMYK, HSB) to a tone of a highlight primary color.
command User instruction to a computer, input through the system controller keyboard. Commands are words, mnemonics, or characters that cause a computer to perform predefined operations.
communication Telecommunication line connecting devices at one location with line devices at other locations in order to transmit and receive
communication Physical means (i.e., data link) connecting one location to link another to transmit and receive information.
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