Defining the printer to the host: TCP/IP attachment
NOTE: It is not necessary to define the printer in TCP/IP for MVS, because the printer acts as a conduit from the MVS system to the LAN. However, some settings in the TCP/IP Profile dataset may need to be altered, depending on your current settings.
Table F-7. TCP/IP Profile dataset parameters – MVS
| Range of |
| |
| Source of | acceptable |
| Your | |
Item description | Default | value | values |
| Comments | value |
| |
DATABUFFERPOOLS | 160 | Installation | 7 to nnnn, where | Specify at least |
| |
| preferences | nnnn is limited by | 160 buffers. |
| |
Data buffers |
| available virtual |
| |
| storage |
DATABUFFERPOOLS | 16384 | Installation | 8192 | 49152 | Specify a buffer |
| preferences | 12288 | 65536 | size of at least |
Buffer size |
| 16384 | 98304 | 32768, if possible. |
| 24576 | 131072 |
| 28672 | 196608 |
| 32768 | 262144 |
| |
SMALLDATABUFFER | 0 | Installation | 0 to nnnn, where | Specify at least |
| |
| preferences | nnnn is limited by | 256 small data |
| |
| available virtual | buffers. |
| |
| storage |
| |
TINYDATABUFFERP | 0 | Installation | 0 to nnnn, where | Specify at least |
| |
| preferences | nnnn is limited by | 256 tiny data |
| |
| available virtual | buffers. |
| |
| storage |
KEEPALIVEOPTIONS | Interval | Installation |
| See Notes. |
| 120 | preferences |
| sendgarba |
| ge false |
| |
GATEWAY | Defaultsize | Installation | Can be from 576 | Max packet size |
| |
max_packet_size | is 576 | preferences | to 67108864, but | parameter should |
| |
| cannot be larger | be no greater than |
| |
| than value | 4472 bytes in a 4 |
| |
| specified on | Mbps LAN |
| |
| LARGEENVE | configuration, and |
| |
| LOPEPOOLSIZE | 17800 in a 16 |
| |
| statement. | Mbps LAN |
| |
| configuration. |
| Default MTU value |
| in printer is 2052. |
Installation Planning Guide |