Defining the printer to the host: TCP/IP attachment
Table F-1. JES2 FSS statement parameters (Continued)
| Range of |
Item |
| Source of | acceptable |
| Your |
description | Default | value | values | Comments | value |
HASPFSSM | HASPFS | JES2 Load | HASPFSSM | Either omit parameter |
| SM | module to be |
| or specify default |
| loaded into FSS |
| value of HASPFSSM. |
| address space |
PRT parameters |
| |
QUEUE | None | Installation | List of |
| output class | alphanumeric |
| standards | output classes |
COPYMARK | DATASE | Installation | DATASET or | DATASET: printer will |
| T | preferences | JOB or |
| |
| CONSTANT | on a dataset |
| boundary. |
| JOB: printer will offset- |
| stack or stitch on a job |
| boundary. |
| Copymarks are |
| constant; no offset |
| stacking or stitching is |
| done. |
FORMS | None | Forms that will | 1 to 8 form | If WS is F, only output |
| be printed on | names (each 1 | with these form names |
| this printer | to 8 | will be selected for |
| alphanumeric | printing on this printer. |
| characters in |
| length) |
FSS | None | Name of FSS | 1 to | Required |
| alphanumeric |
| string |
MARK | NO | Installation | YES or NO | YES specifies that |
| preferences |
| created at the end of |
| each job. |
MODE | FSS (if | Must be FSS | FSS | MODE=FSS should |
| FSS= is |
| be specified. |
| coded) |
PRESELECT | YES | Installation | YES or NO | Specifies whether |
| preferences |
| output datasets are |
| preselected for this |
| FSA. |
Installation Planning Guide |