Defining the printer to the host: TCP/IP attachment
Table F-5. PSF/MVS PRINTDEV statement parameters (Continued)
| Range of |
Item |
| Source of | acceptable |
| Your |
description | Default | value | values | Comments | value |
FORMDEF | None | Installation | 1 to | Name of default |
| preferences | alphanumeric | FORMDEF for printer |
| string |
IPADDR | None | Xerox | Valid IP address | Example: |
| installation | in dotted decimal | IPADDR=’12.345.676.89’ |
| format, enclosed |
| in quotes |
JOBHDR | None | Installation | 1 to | Name of OUTPUT |
| preferences | alphanumeric | statement that defines |
| string | form and page definition |
| used to format job |
| header separator pages |
JOBTRLR | None | Installation | 1 to | Name of OUTPUT |
| preferences | alphanumeric | statement that defines |
| string | form and page definition |
| used to format job trailer |
| separator pages |
| N/A |
| Not applicable for TCP/ |
| |
| N/A |
| Not applicable for TCP/ |
| |
MESSAGE | None | Installation | 1 to | Identifies OUTPUT |
| preferences | alphanumeric | statement that specifies |
| string | form and page definitions |
| used to format and print |
| messages. |
| Installation | OUTAVAIL or | OUTAVAIL: Requests |
| preferences | DIALIN or | that PSF start a |
| IMMED | communication session |
| with printer only when |
| output is available on |
| JES spool. |
| Requests that PSF start |
| a communication session |
| with this printer |
| immediately. PSF then |
| looks for output available |
| on JES spool. |
| N/A |
| Not applicable to cut- |
| sheet Xerox printers |
Installation Planning Guide |