VOLUME command
Table 4-42 summarizes the VOLUME command param eters.
The following sections describe the syntax of the VOLUME
command parameters and explanations of the parameter options.
Table 4-42. Summary of BLOCK command parameters
Parameter Specifies Offline Online DJDE
BMULT Multiplication fact or to determine true block length Y N N
CODE Input data translation Y Y N
EOV End-of-volume processing Y N N
HOST Source of input data for processing Y Y N
LABEL Type of tape l abel processing Y N N
LCODE Input tape label translation Y N N
LPACK Label packing specification for undefined labels Y N N
MAXLAB Maximum label leng th for undefined labels Y N N
MINLAB Minimum label length for undefined labe ls Y N N
OPTIMIZE Throughput enhancement for online N Y N
OSCHN OS Writer end-of-report channel Y N N
OSHDP OS Writer header banner page count Y N N
PLABEL Printing of labels to sample tray Y N N
RMULT Multiplication factor to determine true record length Y N N
RSAT Handling of disk saturation on multivolume job Y N N
TCODE Masked comparison type assignments Y Y N
UNPACK Input data unpacking method Y N N