descender Portion of alphabetic character that extends below the baseline. See
also ascender, x height.
desktop Basic display screen of the PC UI.
device Any piece of hardware other than the central processing unit (CPU).
digitize To express or represent data in digital (binary) form so that it can be
processed electronically.
disk drive Device that can read or write magnetic media.
display Viewing device (monitor) that visually communica te s system
warnings, status, and error messages and reflects operator
interaction with the system on a display.
DJDE Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry. Command within an input data stream
used to modify the printing environment dynamically.
DMR Command parameter that designates a Digital Equipment
Corporation host system.
document 1. Data medium and the data recorded on it, usually permanent,
which can be read by you or a computer. 2. Collection of information
pertaining to a specific subject or related subjects.
dot Unit of measurement representing a fraction of an inch, for example,
300 dots per inch (dpi). It may also be referred to as a picture element
(pixel) or spot.
download To copy files using communication lines from the host onto LPS
system disks.
dry ink Minute dry particles of resin and carbon black used to create images.
Dry ink can accept an electrical charge.
duplex printing Printing on both sides (front and back) of a page. See also simplex
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. Coded
character set consisting of 8-bit coded characters. It can
accommodate 256 characters.
edgemarking Use of graphic objects, usually lines or boxes, that bleed off the edge
of the physical page. See also physical page.
electronic publ i s hing Integrated production of documents on demand, using digitally
stored documents, computerized composition, and electronic
printing systems.