character Single printable letter (A-Z), numeral (0-9), symbol (& % #), or
punctuation mark (, . ! ?) used to represent data. Characters can also
be nonprinting, such as space, tab, or carriage return.
character cell Digitized space containing a single character within a font set.
character code Code representing alphanumeric information, for example, ASC II.
character code identifier Code associated with the universal identifier “Xerox” to indicate the
version of the Xerox character code standard used to code Interpress
character set Number of different characters used by a particular device, including
alphabetic, numeric, and special characters such as symbols.
client layer The software interface used by the AIM task and the Output task to
communicate with the printer, allowing printing commands and fault
and status information to be exchanged.
clocking A method of synchronizing the sending and receiving of data
communications devices. Clocking allows synchronous transmission
at high speeds.
cluster Group of paper feeder trays, usually containing the same size and
type of paper (stock). Each cluster has a name, consisting of one to
six alphanumeric characters. See also stock; stockset.
CME copy modification entry. Entry modifying the output prin ting
characteristics of a report on a copy-to-copy basis.
code 1. Set of symbols representing data or instructions to a computer. 2.
To write a list of instructions (software) to cause the product/system
to perform specified operations.
code conversion Translation of one type of character or symbol cod e to another.
collate To arrange or assemble into ordered sets.
column Vertical arrangement of characters.
command User instruction to a computer, using the system controller keyboard
or the PC UI. Commands are words, mnemonics, or characters that
cause a computer to perform predefined operations. Coded
instruction to a computer or computer-based system.
command language Set of commands that can be used for a system, such as how the
system can be instructed to perform a task.
comment Explanations written with program instructions. They are ignored by
the computer.