waste management data. If a job consists o f many reports, all
those reports must be reviewed for waste management.
Use the Summary, Waste Management and Operation Detail
options in the Audit Log Display (or Print) window to obtain a
summary report with each waste management event and all
logged operations.
Reconciliation, sequence error, and duplicate error auditing
must be performed with job stream BTEXT. For simplest
operation, place all BTEXT into the job stream instead of
splitting BTEXT between JSL and the job stream. Select a
report size that will facilitate auditing, for example, 5000 pages.
Thus a job of 100,000 checks will be audited as twenty reports,
and each audit report is available shortly after the last page of
the report is printed
When displaying the list of audit logs, use the error filters in the
Audit Log window to only list reports with reconciliation,
sequence, or duplicate errors. These can be specified singly or
in combination with check boxes in the Audit Log window.
Even faster is to list audited jobs with these filters. Then use
the filters in the Audit Log Display (or Print) window to select
which reports will print or display. For summary or detail, only
the reports with the selected errors will be processed. Use the
summary option and detail records with the selected errors will
print or display.
The current limit for log lists is about 1200. If this error occurs,
try again with either a ’Jobs’ list or filters. The current spee d of
log list display is about 18 seconds per 100 entries. Hitting the
’List’ target before the list is displayed causes the list to
immediately clear and another list to generate.
Use operator options to stop the printer on reconciliation or
sequence errors. The Audit Log Administration window has a
target labeled ’Defaults.’ Click on this to open the Audit Log
Defaults window. Check boxes stay in effect from session to
When the job stops due to a reconciliation error, the operator
may display the audit log with an option in the window that is
displayed. This is not possible for sequence errors, however.
Jobs that consist of many small reports are not good candidates
for waste management auditing as too many reports must be
manually reviewed to see the waste management information.