elite Smallest size standard typewriter type: 12 characters per horizontal
inch. See also pica.
embedded blanks Blank spaces within a command line.
Ethernet Xerox local area network (LAN) that allows data to be transmitted by
cable from one device to another, enabling it to share the network.
extended metrics Measurements used in Interpress to alter the size of fonts, allowing
more precision with character escapement. Used for rendered
FCB forms control buffer. Buffer for controlling the vertical format of
printed output.
FDL forms description language. LPS-resident source language u sed for
designing electronic forms. See also FSL; form.
field 1. Part of a record that serves a similar function in all records of that
group, such as name and address field. 2. Area or setting of practical
activity or application.
file Set of records or text that can be stored and retrieved. An organized,
named collection of records treated as a unit. For offline, it is the data
between the two tape marks. For online, it is the data between
banner pages.
file protecti on To prevent the contents on a disk or tape from being erased or written
over by disabling the write head of a unit.
firmware Permanent programs stored in read-only memory (ROM).
FIS Font Interchange Standard. Standard that defines the digital
representation of fonts and character metrics for the generation of an
entire series of Interpress fonts.
fixed font Font containing characters with fixed spacing. See also proportional
fixed pitch Font set in which every character cell has the same width. In
reference to character sets, this term describes typefaces in which all
character cells are of equal width. Monospaced as opposed to
proportional spaced.
fixed spacing Arrangement of characters on a line so that all characters occupy the
same amount of horizontal space.
floating accent Nons pacing accent characters that can be combined with characters
and printed as a composite.