name only once with the ACCOUNT parameter, but it must be done
before a print job is run using the DEPT name. If the name is not
entered with the ACCOUNT parameter, the accounting data f or this
report is accumulated in the NODEPT entry in the accounting log.
However, the DEPARTMENT entry on the accounting page for this
report lists the requested department name followed by an asterisk
to denote that no specific accounting by this na me was performed.
If the DEPT parameter is not specified, data is accumulated under a
name made up of the identifier on the JDL SYSTEM (or JDL)
parameter with the characters :JDL appended to it, assuming t hat
this same name exists in the accounting file. Thus, if a JDL identifier
is H2SYS, and no DEPT was specified, the default accounting name
on the accounting page is H2SYS:JDL. Data is accumula ted under
this default name only if this name exists in the accounting file. If the
name is not in the accounting file, the accounting information goes to
NODEPT. ACCOUNT parameter use is described in the “Accounting
file maintenance” section of your
Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS
Operations Reference
The following example illustrates the use of the PDL command ACCT
and the system level ACCOUNT parameter.
When the system level parameter ACCOUNT ADD, OPERATIONS
is entered at the PC UI, the name OPERATIONS is added to the
current list of names in the system accounting f ile.
The following PDL command requests the system to deliver one
accounting page to the sample print tray after each repo rt is printed.
Each time a print job is run with the above comm and in the JDE,
report accounting statistics are updated in the system accounting file
under the name OPERATIONS:
Restricting LPS usage to only those departments explicitly added to
the accounting file is accomplished by deleting the N ODEPT entry. If
NODEPT is deleted, jobs are aborted unless a name has been
entered in the accounting file that corresponds with the department
name as specified on the ACCT command. The NODEPT entry must
be deleted before any accounting data has been entered under this
name or after the accounting file has been clea red.
Installation accounting report
The REPORT USER system level parameter is used to print a copy
of system accumulated accounting statistics. It prints out accounting
data for each name entered into the accounting file by the ACCOUNT
parameter. Use of the REPORT USER parameter is discussed in the
chapter on tracking system activity in the
Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS
Operations Reference
. A sample of the output is shown in figure 6-2.
DEPARTMENT/JDL entries as shown in figure 6-3 are generated by
the OSS (NODEPT and TASKS$:JDL) and entered by you with the
ACCOUNT parameter. NODEPT is the name under which
accounting statistics are accumulated for print jobs without name
entries in the accounting file. TASKS$:JDL is a name under which
accounting is accumulated for printing done by system tasks such as
FDL, PDL, and the Editor. OPERATIONS is a user-supplied
DEPARTMENT/JDL entry (in figure 6-3).
Other entries on this report, such as PAGES and LINES, are defined
the same as those on the end-of-report accounting pa ge.