Do not, however, use FEED=MAIN and FEED=AUX in
conjunction with stocksets.
You must use the FEED=MAIN operator command at the start
of a job if the data stream is controlling trays, cluster
information, and so on.
You cannot edit CLUSTR.LIB. It is automatically updated by the
CLU and CLP commands which enter clusters in the database
or modify cluster definitions.
How applications use clusters
There are several ways for you to specify clusters in you r
Some applications do not change stock types (s imple
Some applications change stock types but do not use stockset
commands to do so (OTEXT applications).
Some change stock types using the STOC KSET command
(stockset applications).
The appropriate cluster usage for these three types of applications is
discussed below.

Simple and OTEXT applications

These applications do not provide for the use of different stocks. If the
application is online, then it uses the default stock for the site. If the
application is offline, and the operator knows from t he START
command which stock to load, the operator loads t he stock. Simple
applications are fed stock from the MAIN and A UX clusters. MAIN
and AUX are defined by the programmer to improve printer
performance for the jobs run by the site, ensuring that paper can be
loaded during printing.
Note: If your site runs simple, OTEXT, and stockset jobs, then it is
useful to maintain a cluster for each stock loaded using cluster and
stockset definitions and changing MAIN and AUX to logicals for each
cluster as required by the jobs.
The OTEXT parameter of the MESSAGE command is described in
detail in the chapter “Specifying output parameters.”