RAUX commandFeeding a single sheet of paper from the auxiliary tray may be
controlled from within the input data stream. If a data record
satisfying the RAUX test criteria is found, the page on wh ich the
record is found is printed on a sheet of paper picked from the auxiliary
tray. For simplex printing, the next page is printed on a sheet of paper
selected from the main tray, unless it also con tains a record
satisfying the RAUX test criterion. For duplex printing, the need to
pick a sheet from the auxiliary tray (as the result o f detecting the
specified RAUX criterion on either the front or back side of a page) is
ascertained on a page-pair basis before the first side is printed. The
FEED MAIN operator command (refer to chapters 5 and 6 of this
manual) should be used with this parameter to prevent the auxiliary
tray from being automatically selected when the main tray is emptied.
This parameter can also be used in combination with the PDL
parameter FEED of the OUTPUT command (refer to the chapter
"Print format commands") and the FEED DJDE command (refer to
the chapter "Specifying dynamic job descriptor entries (DJDEs)").
The following section describes the syntax of the command
parameters and explanations of the parameter options.
This parameter specifies the test expression for selection of paper
from the auxiliary tray.
Syntax RAUX TEST =
Options Table 7-15 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
Points to note
Note the following when using the RAUX command:
•If a record intended to satisfy the criteria for RAUX is
suspended by RSUSPEND, that record is not checked for the
RAUX criteria. Note that the RAUX criteria does not take effect
when printing is resumed (offline only).
•Record selection/deletion is performed prior to RAUX
processing. If a record satisfying the RAUX test criteria was
previously not selected for or deleted from printing, the RAUX
does not function (offline only).
Table 7-15. TEST param et er op tion(s) and definition(s)
Option(s) Definition(s)
The format and syntax of a test-exp are defined in the
“Test expression definition” section. If a
satisfied, a page is selected from the auxiliary tray.
There is no default.