Document interleaved
In this format, a report’s data stream begins with a set of one or more
graphics prior to the first record of text. These graphics are copied
one at a time to named IMG disk files. When the report has f inished
printing, the IMG files created are automatically deleted, un less the
user has explicitly specified otherwise.
The rules for formatting a document interleaved graphic report tape
file are:
•The tape format may be any legal fixed or variable length block,
or record format which is otherwise supported by the LPS, that
is, RECORD STRUCTURE = F, FB, V or VB. It may not be an
undefined block or record format, that is, RECORD
STRUCTURE = U or UB. Packed data formats are not
•Use of block and record constants in an appropriately
structured file (type F, FB, V, or VB) containing interleaved
graphics is supported. However, the actual delimiter searching
is suspended while an IMG file is being read.
— For record del imiters, this means that delimiter searching is
suspended from the first record of graphic data until the
entire graphic has been read. Extraneous bytes at the end
of the last record are ignored. Record delimiter processing
resumes with the next record.
— For block delimiters, this means that the first byte of a
graphic must be the first data byte of a bl ock and that the
first byte of data following the graphic must also be the first
byte of a block. Extraneous data in the last block following
the last byte specified by the IMG byte count are ignored.
•Each graphic must be preceded immediately by a GRAPHIC
•Improved tape-to-disk processing time is obtained if the graphic
data portion of each record is an integer multiple of 512 bytes
and begins at an even byte offset from the beginning of the
block. Processing of each graphic begins in thi s mode. If a
record is not a multiple of 512 bytes or does not begin at an
even byte offset from the beginning of the block, the mode is
Page interleaved
In this format, one or more graphics imaged on a physical page are
included in the data file immediately following the textual data for that
page. These graphics, if referenced, are processed in block mode,
that is, copied one at a time directly to the print file adjacent to the
page’s formatted textual data). If not referenced, a page interleaved
graphic is skipped. The rules for page interleaved graphics are as
•The graphics must occur on the tape immediately f ollowing the
last text to appear on the same physical p age.
•Rules 1 through 4 for document interleaved graphics apply
(refer to the "Document interleaved" section).