2. 2Print Description Language(PDL)This chapter discusses the following PDL topics used to create and
control print jobs.
•Purpose of PDL
•PDL command structure
•JSL structure
•Creating separate command files
•Hierarchy of replacement
Purpose of PDL
For a job to be printed on an LPS, it is necessary to create a file of
PDL commands to define the format of the input media, processing
requirements, and the format of the printed output. The source or
uncompiled file of PDL commands is referred to as a job source
library (JSL) file. All JSL files must be compiled before they can be
referenced to print a job. The object or compiled file of a job source
library file is referred to as a job descriptor library (JDL).
This compilation process is depicted in figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1. PDL compilation
Each command has a set of parameters tha t can be used to define
the characteristics of a print job (input, special processing, output).
PDL commands used in creating a JSL m ay be entered at:
•Host, using a host-based editing facility to create 8 0 byte
EBCDIC records.
•LPS system controller. Refer to the
Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS
Operations Reference