intensity. Pixels are definable locations on a display used to form
images. For graphic displays, more pixels generally provide higher
resolution. Spots, dots, and pixels are used interchangeably.
point Unit of measurement equal to 0.0139 inch. Points are always used to
express type size and leading. There are 12 p oints to a pica and
about 72 points to every inch. See also pica.
point size Height of character set from the top of its ascenders to the bottom of
its descenders in units (points). Point size does not always include
portrait page orientation Orientation of print lines or the top of an illustration parallel to the
short edge of the paper if the sheet is within the standard size range.
Sheets larger than standard have the reverse print orientation.
printer Output device that produces hardcopy printout s. Also referred to as
the IOT.
print file Position of the system disk memory (up to 4 MB) received for
temporary storage of formatted pages for printing. Pages are
retained until they are delivered to the output tray.
printout Informal expression referring to almost anything printed by a
computer peripheral device.
process 1. To perform a systematic sequ ence of operations, such as add,
edit, delete. 2. To produce a specific result by manipulating data.
program Complete set of instructions in language compatible with the dev ice
to be used. A program directs a system to perform each operation at
the right time in the proper sequence.
programmer Person involved in designing, writing, and testing computer
prompt Message or symbol displayed on a system console requiring the
operator to take action.
proportional font Font containing characters that vary in width. See also fixed font.
proportional sp acing Text in which each alphanumeric character is given a weighted
amount of space. Such output has print-like appearanc e.
Proportional spacing allows more space for wide characters and less
space for narrow characters
proportional type Characters that vary in width.
protocol Formal set of conventions governing the format of data and the
control of information exchange between two communi cation