9. 9Using graphicsThis chapter contains information on the following topics:
•Graphics considerations
•Input for graphics
•Processing modes
•Tape formats
•Online formats
•PDL command and DJDE options for graphics
Graphics considerations
There are several PDL parameters available for graphics handli ng.
These include four JDE OUTPUT command parameters and six
Tables 9-1 and 9-2 summarize these parameters. The OUTPUT
command parameters are described in the “OUTPUT com mand”
section in the chapter "Print format commands." The graphics DJDE
parameters were discussed previously in the chapter "Specifying
dynamic job descriptor entries (DJDEs)."
Graphics DJDEs are record oriented because they take effe ct
immediately. For example, ALTER, CANCEL, and IMAGE may
appear anywhere on the page and are applied to the page on which
they occur. Positioning GRAPHIC, BATCH, and SAVE DJDEs is
discussed in table 9-2, “DJDE parameter definitions.” These also
take effect immediately.
Page-oriented DJDEs to be applied to the next page m ust not
precede batch mode or page interleaved graphics to be applied to
the current page.
Note that your Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS can handle single-color
graphics from a Xerox 4850 or 4890 HighLight Color LPS, but cannot
process 2-color graphics.