ACCT command
The system maintains report processing information in two files
which are accessible to the user. Both files can be saved on tape or
transmitted to the host throug h the host file transfer facility for fu rther
processing. One method accumulates overall usage statistics on a
department or JDL basis. Refer to your

Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS

Operations Reference
for further information on the accounting file
printout, initialization, and structure. In the second method, the status
file accumulates report information, in the order that it is processed,
on an individual report basis. Refer to the system level parameters
JOBS and SFS and the “Report status information” sec tion in your

Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS Operations Reference

for further
information on the status file display, initialization, and struc ture.
Accounting information is automatically accumulated by the system
on a report basis and also for overall system usage. The ACCT
command enables the user to include a printout of the accounting
summary with each report printed. Table 6-3 summarizes ACCT
command parameter usage. The system level REPORT USER
parameter provides an installation with a printout of overall system
usage statistics. The following sections define how accounting
information may be accessed and interpreted.
Table 6-10 summarizes the ACCT command parameters.
An example of an offline accounting page is illustrated in figure 6-2.

Accounting data on report basis

The ACCT command enables you to request that an accounting
page which contains a summary be output at the end o f the printing
for each report. This summary consists of a single page of
information containing job setup information and counts of
processing events.

Overall usage accounting

The system automatically accumulates accounting data in a file on
disk for each report printed. An installation has the parameter of
having the system accumulate this information under a specified
name, such as department code, account, or accumulate it under a
system default name.
The DEPT parameter of the ACCT command allows an installation to
define a name under which the accounting data is accumulated. The
system ACCOUNT command (refer to the

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Operations Reference
) must also be used with the DEPT parameter
to create a name in the accounting file which corresponds to the
name specified in the DEPT specification. It is necessary to ent er this
Table 6-10. Summary of ACCT command parameters
Parameter Specifies Offline Online DJDE
DEPT Accumulation of user accounting statistics Y Y Y
USER Output destination of accounting page with a report Y Y N