After a set of DJDEs is terminated by an END parameter, there
must be one or more data records before the next DJDE
packet. DJDE records directly following a previously terminated
DJDE parameter set are ignored.
If the file containing the DJDE is variable-blocked, the program
that blocks the file may strip off trailing blanks. T hus, if the
comment record contains no actual comments, the blank
following the C may be eliminated. If the C is the last character
of the record, the parameter record is accepted. However, any
character other than a blank following the C causes the record
to be processed as a legitimate DJDE record and not as a
comment. Refer to the C text parameter in table 8-2.
Print-and-skip carriage control parameters associated with
online DJDE records are treated as skip immediate carriage
control parameters. If the LPS is not at the channel specified, a
skip occurs; but if it is already there, no skip occurs unless the
last carriage control parameter received was a print without
spacing parameter. Print-and-space carriage control
parameters (as well as the print-without-spacing carriage
control parameter) associated with DJDE records are ignored.
The printer carriage control (PCC) byte associated with offline
DJDE records is ignored.
If a DJDE is always created because of coding procedures, but
there is no need to set any of the DJDE parameters for a
particular report, a null DJDE may be created with only an END
parameter and no other param et e rs s pec if ied, which will not
modify any of the existing job setup parameters .
FORMS, FORMAT, and BFORM DJDE parameters can appear
only once in the DJDE packet.