DJDE. Enables you to modify the printing environment
dynamically. These commands are inserted into the input
data stream to modify the command characteristics of the
existing job descriptor entry (JDE). DJDEs can take effect
on a report-to-report, page-to-page, and record-to-record
CME. Enables you to replace certain parts of a report wi th
predefined static data on selected copies or to specify font
changes within the variable data.
Page description and report data from host-resident software is sent
to the LPS in a form that it understands; therefore, no additional
formatting commands are required.
Many such host-resident software packages communicate with the
LPS in page description languages.
Formatted data
Formatted data is sent to the LPS from a ho st-based document
composition software package, for example, XPPI, XDGI, or PC-
based software through the front-end processor. These systems are
often used for electronic publishing and can produce very
sophisticated printed documents. Data from these sources come in a
form that the Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS can already understand;
there is no need for the operator to create forms definition files or the
like, as it is with the unformatted data described above.