RSUSPEND and RRESUME commandsThe print suppression logical processing function permits the user to
delete from printing groups of records that are distinguishable at the
start and end, but whose intermediate records may not be unique or
distinguishable. (Print suppression or resumption is invoked by the
use of two separate commands—RSUSPEND and RRESUME.) The
tests for each command are independent and m ust be described
separately. Each of the commands can specify the full range of tests
as described previously for the other logical processing comma nds.
When specifying either the RSUSPEND or RRESUME command,
the user can also specify whether suspension or resumption of
printing occurs on the current or next record. This is controlled by the
BEGIN parameter. This additional control provides the necessary
flexibility to cope with the variability of requirements for print
suppression. The BEGIN parameter is independently specifiable in
both RSUSPEND and RRESUME commands.
Upon encountering a record which satisfies the test criteria specified
on the RSUSPEND command, printing is suspended. If
BEGIN=CURRENT is coded on the RSUSPEND command, this
record is not printed. If BEGIN=NEXT is coded, the record satisfying
the test criteria is printed, and records are discarded beginning with
the following record.
Printing is resumed when a record satisfying the TEST in the
RRESUME command is encountered. If BEGIN=CURRENT is coded
in the RRESUME command, the record satisfying the TEST is
printed. If BEGIN=NEXT is coded, printing resumes with the next
The following section describes the syntax of the command
parameters and explanations of the parameter options.