special processing Commands allowing the user to process special reports, suc h as
printing certain records, or printing on special paper.
spooling Process of releasing data from main memory and storing it
temporarily until a peripheral device is ready to accept it, for example
storing text before sending it to a printer.
spot Unit of measurement representing a fraction of an inch, for example,
300 spots per inch (spi). May also be referred to as a picture element
(pixel) or dot.
statement Detailed written instructions in a program step. A statement is written
according to specific rules called syntax.
static data Information usually found on preprinted forms or overlays.
stock User-defined name in the JSL that specifies a ce rtain type of paper
for printing a job. See also cluster.
stockset Collection of stocks to be used on a print job. See also stock; cluster.
storage Retention of information. Primary storage refers to internal storage
where data and program instructions pertinent to current operations/
jobs are held. Auxiliary storage refers to external media, such as
disks or tapes, for use at a later time.
string Connected sequence of alphanumeric characters treated as one unit
of data by a program.
symbol Character used in a computer language to specify a particular
synchronous Efficient encoding of da ta suitable for high-speed, block-oriented
data transmission by using equal time elements.
syntax Rules governing the structure of expressions in a program ming
syntax error System response to a mistake in a command entry.
system 1. In data processing, a collection of parts and procedures organized
to accomplish a set of specific functions. 2. Assembly of components
united by some form of regulated interaction to form an organized
whole. 3. Operations or procedures through which a business activity
is accomplished.
system controller Part of the LPS that provides interfacing capability, data handling,
formatting, buffering, and operator control for the system. Also
referred to as the “ESS”.